How to Fix Cracks in Swimming Pools

In this comprehensive guide, we’re going to dive deep into how to fix cracks in swimming pools. We all know that a crack-free swimming pool is not only aesthetically pleasing but also crucial for the safety and longevity of your pool.

So, let’s get started and learn how to fix those pesky cracks!

Table Contents

Understanding the Causes of Pool Cracks

Before we jump into the repair methods, it’s important to understand what causes pool cracks in the first place. By identifying the root causes, we can take preventive measures to avoid future cracks. Here are some common culprits:

Natural settling and ground movement

Swimming pools are built on the ground, and over time, the soil beneath them can settle or shift. This natural movement can put stress on the pool structure, leading to cracks.

Freeze-thaw cycles

If you live in an area with cold winters, you’re probably familiar with freeze-thaw cycles. When water freezes, it expands, and when it thaws, it contracts. These repeated cycles can cause the pool’s concrete or other materials to crack.

Improper construction or installation

Pool construction requires precision and expertise. If the pool is not built or installed correctly, it can develop cracks over time. Poor workmanship, inadequate reinforcement, or improper curing can all contribute to structural issues.

Chemical imbalances and water pressure

Chemical imbalances in the pool water, such as high levels of acidity or alkalinity, can corrode the pool’s materials and weaken its structure.

Additionally, excessive water pressure from heavy rainfall or improper drainage can exert force on the pool walls, leading to cracks.

Identifying Different Types of Pool Cracks

Not all pool cracks are created equal. Understanding the different types of cracks can help you determine the appropriate repair method. Here are the most common types:

Hairline cracks

These are small, thin cracks that are often superficial and do not extend through the entire pool structure. They are typically caused by minor shifts in the ground or temperature changes. While hairline cracks may not pose an immediate threat, they can worsen over time if left untreated.

Structural cracks

Structural cracks are more severe and can affect the integrity of the pool. They are wider and deeper than hairline cracks and can extend through the entire pool structure. These cracks are usually caused by significant ground movement, improper construction, or long-term neglect.

Surface cracks

Surface cracks are limited to the top layer of the pool, such as the plaster or tile. They are often cosmetic in nature and do not pose a structural risk. However, if left unaddressed, surface cracks can lead to water leakage and further damage.

Expansion cracks

Expansion cracks occur due to the natural expansion and contraction of the pool materials. They are typically found in areas where different materials meet, such as the pool deck or coping. These cracks are more common in regions with extreme temperature variations.

Assessing the Severity of Pool Cracks

Now that you can identify the different types of pool cracks, it’s important to assess their severity before deciding on a repair method. Here are some techniques to help you determine the extent of the damage:

Visual inspection techniques

Start by visually inspecting the cracks. Look for any signs of widening, lengthening, or deepening. Pay attention to the surrounding area for signs of water leakage or structural damage. Take note of any additional symptoms, such as bulging or uneven pool walls.

Using specialized tools for accurate measurements

In some cases, visual inspection alone may not be enough to assess the severity of the cracks. Consider using specialized tools, such as crack gauges or laser levels, to measure the width and depth of the cracks. This will provide a more accurate understanding of the damage.

Consulting with a professional pool inspector

If you’re unsure about the severity of the cracks or if you suspect underlying structural issues, it’s always a good idea to consult with a professional pool inspector. They have the expertise and experience to assess the damage and recommend the appropriate repair solutions.

DIY Pool Crack Repair Methods

If you’re a handy DIY enthusiast, you may be tempted to tackle pool crack repairs on your own. While some minor cracks can be fixed with DIY methods, it’s important to understand the limitations and risks involved. Here are some common DIY repair methods:

Epoxy injection

Epoxy injection is a popular method for repairing hairline cracks. It involves injecting an epoxy resin into the crack to fill and seal it. This method is effective for preventing further water penetration and can provide structural stability to the crack.

Crack stitching

Crack stitching is a technique used for repairing wider and deeper cracks. It involves drilling holes on either side of the crack and inserting metal staples or rods to hold the crack together. This method provides additional reinforcement and prevents further cracking.

Hydraulic cement patching

Hydraulic cement patching is a quick and easy method for repairing small surface cracks. It involves mixing hydraulic cement with water to create a paste and applying it to the crack. The cement expands as it cures, filling the crack and creating a watertight seal.

Fiberglass reinforcement

Fiberglass reinforcement is a more advanced DIY method for repairing structural cracks. It involves applying layers of fiberglass mesh and epoxy resin to reinforce the cracked area. This method provides long-lasting strength and stability to the repaired section.

Hiring a Professional Pool Repair Company

While DIY methods can be cost-effective, there are certain situations where it’s best to leave the repairs to the professionals. Here are some reasons why hiring a professional pool repair company may be the right choice:

Benefits of professional expertise

Professional pool repair companies have the knowledge, skills, and experience to handle a wide range of pool crack repairs. They understand the complexities involved and can provide tailored solutions based on the specific needs of your pool.

Evaluating credentials and experience

When hiring a professional pool repair company, it’s important to evaluate their credentials and experience. Look for certifications, licenses, and positive customer reviews. A reputable company will have a track record of successful pool repairs and satisfied customers.

Obtaining multiple quotes for comparison

Before making a decision, it’s always a good idea to obtain multiple quotes from different pool repair companies. This will give you a better understanding of the costs involved and allow you to compare the services offered. Remember, the cheapest option may not always be the best.

Step-by-Step Guide to Repairing Pool Cracks

Whether you decide to tackle the repairs yourself or hire a professional, here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the pool crack repair process:

Preparing the pool for repair

Before starting any repairs, it’s important to prepare the pool. Drain the water to the appropriate level and ensure the pool is clean and free from debris. Protect the surrounding area with drop cloths or plastic sheets to prevent any damage.

Cleaning and drying the crack

Thoroughly clean the crack using a wire brush or a crack chaser blade. Remove any loose debris, dirt, or old sealant. Once the crack is clean, allow it to dry completely before proceeding with the repair.

Applying the chosen repair method

Follow the instructions provided with the chosen repair method. Whether it’s epoxy injection, crack stitching, hydraulic cement patching, or fiberglass reinforcement, carefully apply the materials according to the manufacturer’s guidelines.

Curing and finishing the repair

After applying the repair materials, allow them to cure as per the recommended curing time. Once cured, inspect the repair for any imperfections or rough edges. Sand or smooth out the repaired area if necessary. Finally, refill the pool with water and monitor for any signs of leakage.

Preventing Future Pool Cracks

Now that you’ve repaired the cracks in your pool, it’s important to take preventive measures to avoid future cracks. Here are some tips to keep your pool crack-free:

Regular maintenance and inspections

Perform regular maintenance tasks, such as cleaning, balancing the water chemistry, and checking for any signs of damage. Schedule annual inspections with a professional pool inspector to catch any potential issues before they become major problems.

Proper water chemistry and balance

Maintain proper water chemistry by regularly testing and adjusting the pH, alkalinity, and sanitizer levels. Imbalances in the water chemistry can accelerate the deterioration of pool materials and increase the risk of cracks.

Addressing underlying soil or structural issues

If you live in an area with unstable soil or have experienced ground movement in the past, consider addressing the underlying issues. Consult with a geotechnical engineer or a pool construction expert to determine the best course of action.

Using appropriate pool covers and accessories

Invest in high-quality pool covers and accessories to protect your pool from external factors. A sturdy pool cover can prevent debris from entering the pool and reduce the risk of cracks caused by falling objects or extreme weather conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some common questions about pool crack repairs:

1. Can I use regular cement to fix pool cracks?

No, regular cement is not suitable for fixing pool cracks. It lacks the necessary flexibility and waterproofing properties required for pool repairs. It’s best to use specialized pool repair materials recommended by professionals.

2. How long does pool crack repair take?

The duration of pool crack repair depends on the severity of the cracks and the chosen repair method. Minor repairs can be completed within a day, while more extensive repairs may take several days or even weeks.

3. Can I still use my pool during the repair process?

It’s generally recommended to avoid using the pool during the repair process. The repair materials need time to cure and bond properly. Using the pool prematurely can compromise the effectiveness of the repairs.

4. Are pool cracks covered by insurance?

Insurance coverage for pool cracks varies depending on your policy and the cause of the cracks. Some insurance policies may cover pool cracks caused by sudden and accidental events, while others may exclude them. It’s best to check with your insurance provider for specific details.

5. What are the signs of a serious pool crack?

Signs of a serious pool crack include significant widening or lengthening, bulging or uneven pool walls, water leakage, or structural damage. If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to seek professional assistance immediately.

6. Can I prevent pool cracks in a new pool?

While it’s impossible to guarantee a crack-free pool, you can take preventive measures during the construction of a new pool.

Ensure proper soil preparation, use high-quality materials, and hire experienced professionals for the installation. Regular maintenance and inspections are also crucial for preventing future cracks.

7. How often should I inspect my pool for cracks?

It’s recommended to inspect your pool for cracks at least once a year. However, if you notice any signs of damage or suspect a problem, it’s best to conduct a thorough inspection immediately.

8. Are there any temporary fixes for pool cracks?

While temporary fixes may provide a short-term solution, they are not recommended for long-term pool crack repairs. Temporary fixes can mask underlying issues and may lead to more extensive damage in the future.

9. Can I repair pool cracks myself without professional help?

Minor hairline cracks can be repaired using DIY methods. However, for more severe cracks or if you’re unsure about the extent of the damage, it’s best to seek professional help. They have the expertise and equipment to ensure a proper and long-lasting repair.

Final Take: Ensuring a Safe and Beautiful Pool

Congratulations! You’ve reached the end of our comprehensive guide on fixing cracks in swimming pools. Remember, maintaining a crack-free pool is not just about aesthetics, but also about safety and longevity.

By understanding the causes of pool cracks, identifying the different types, and assessing their severity, you can take the necessary steps to address the issue promptly.

Whether you choose to tackle the repairs yourself or hire a professional pool repair company, it’s important to prioritize regular maintenance and inspections to prevent future cracks.

By maintaining proper water chemistry, addressing underlying issues, and using appropriate pool covers and accessories, you can ensure a safe and beautiful pool for years to come.

So, don’t let those cracks ruin your pool experience. Take action, follow the steps outlined in this guide, and enjoy your crack-free swimming pool!

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Zachary Xhosa
Zachary Xhosa

Founder and lead writer behind Very Fresh Pool, a website dedicated to simplifying pool maintenance through educational guides and product reviews. With over 10 years of experience maintaining my own pool and also helping people maintaining theirs, I started the site to share the knowledge I wished I had when I was first starting out. Contact me for any questions about pool maintenance and care.


  1. Thanks for helping me understand how you should not neglect any signs of pool cracks around your home because it can worsen. I like your suggestion to seek out a professional for your pools since they can quickly determine the source of the problem and offer fixes for it. I’ll be sure to keep this in mind if I need it someday.

    • I’m glad my advice was helpful. You also need to know that it’s important to seek professional help for pool cracks. A skilled technician can quickly and accurately diagnose the problem and recommend the best course of action.

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