Do Pool Robots Clean Algae?

Are you tired of dealing with algae growth in your pool? Pool maintenance can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to combating algae. One effective solution that many pool owners turn to is pool robots.

But do pool robots really clean algae? In this article, we will explore the capabilities of pool robots when it comes to algae removal and discuss the benefits of using these advanced cleaning devices in maintaining a sparkling clean pool.

Understanding Algae Growth in Pools

Algae is a common problem in swimming pools and can be quite stubborn to eliminate. It is a microscopic plant organism that can thrive in warm and sunny conditions with the presence of nutrients like sunlight, carbon dioxide, and phosphates. Algae can quickly multiply and spread in the pool, leading to unsightly green or cloudy water.

When left untreated, algae growth can cause various problems such as clogged filters, decreased water circulation, and an increased demand for chemicals to balance the water chemistry. Additionally, swimming in water contaminated with algae can pose health risks to pool users.

The Role of Pool Robots in Algae Removal

Pool robots, also known as robotic pool cleaners, are autonomous devices designed to clean the surfaces and water of pools efficiently. They are equipped with advanced features and technologies that allow them to navigate and clean the pool effectively, saving you time and effort.

While pool robots excel at removing debris like leaves, twigs, and dirt from the pool, their ability to tackle algae varies depending on the model and specifications. Some pool robots are designed specifically to target and eliminate algae growth, while others primarily focus on debris removal. It is important to choose a pool robot suitable for your specific needs.

Algae-Fighting Features in Pool Robots

Several advanced features found in certain pool robots are specifically designed to combat algae. Let’s take a look at some of these features:

Scrubbing Brushes

Many pool robots are equipped with powerful scrubbing brushes that rotate or oscillate to dislodge and remove algae from pool surfaces. These brushes have a high degree of efficiency in loosening algae, making it easier for the robot to vacuum and filter them out.

Microfilter or Fine Filtration System

Pool robots with microfilter or fine filtration systems are capable of capturing even the smallest particles, including algae spores. These systems ensure that the algae are effectively removed from the pool, leaving the water crystal clear. Regularly cleaning and maintaining the filters are essential for optimal performance.

UV Sterilization

Some advanced pool robots utilize built-in UV sterilization systems. These systems use ultraviolet light to kill and inhibit the growth of algae in the pool. The UV light destroys the DNA of the algae, preventing it from multiplying and reducing the need for chemical treatments.

Intelligent Navigation

Robotic pool cleaners employ intelligent navigation systems that enable them to cover the entire pool area efficiently. This ensures that the algae-infested areas are thoroughly cleaned. The robots use sensors and algorithms to map the pool, avoiding obstacles, and optimizing their cleaning routes.

Adjustable Settings

Certain pool robots offer adjustable settings, allowing you to customize the cleaning process to focus more on algae removal. You can adjust the cleaning cycles, brushing intensity, and filtration settings according to the severity of algae growth in your pool.

Benefits of Using Pool Robots for Algae Removal

Using pool robots for algae removal brings several benefits to pool owners. Let’s explore some of the advantages:


Pool robots can clean your pool more efficiently than manual cleaning methods. They are designed to cover large pool areas quickly and thoroughly, ensuring that no algae or debris is left behind. With their advanced features, pool robots significantly reduce the time and effort required for algae removal.


Although the initial investment in a pool robot may seem high, it can save you money in the long run. By effectively removing algae, pool robots minimize the need for expensive chemical treatments and reduce the strain on your pool’s filtration system, leading to overall cost savings.

Less Chemical Dependency

Algae growth often necessitates the use of chemicals to restore water clarity and balance. However, when using pool robots for algae removal, you can reduce your dependence on chemicals. The thorough cleaning and filtration provided by pool robots minimize the need for excessive chemical treatments, resulting in a healthier and safer swimming environment.

Extended Lifespan of Pool Equipment

Algae growth can negatively impact the lifespan of your pool equipment, particularly the filter and circulation system. By regularly using pool robots to combat algae, you can extend the life of your equipment by reducing filter clogging and backwashing frequency.


  1. Q: Can any pool robot clean algae?

A: Not all pool robots are specifically designed for algae removal. It is important to choose a pool robot with features like scrubbing brushes and fine filtration systems specifically tailored for combating algae growth.

  1. Q: How often do I need to use a pool robot to prevent algae growth?

A: The frequency of pool robot usage depends on various factors such as pool size, climate, and vegetation nearby. However, regular use at least once a week is generally recommended to prevent algae growth and maintain a clean pool.

  1. Q: Can pool robots completely eliminate algae from my pool?

A: Pool robots are powerful tools for algae removal, but they may not completely eliminate severe and persistent algae infestations. In such cases, it is advisable to seek additional professional assistance.

  1. Q: Is it necessary to shock the pool after using a pool robot for algae removal?

A: It is recommended to shock the pool water after using a pool robot for algae removal. This helps to destroy any remaining algae and ensures that the water is properly sanitized.

  1. Q: Are there any limitations to using pool robots for algae removal?

A: While pool robots are efficient at algae removal, they may struggle with hard-to-reach areas such as corners and steps. Manual cleaning may be required for these challenging spots.

  1. Q: Can pool robots be used in all types of pools?

A: Pool robots are compatible with most types of pools, including concrete, vinyl, and fiberglass. However, it is essential to check the specifications of the pool robot to ensure it is suitable for your pool surface.

  1. Q: Do pool robots require any maintenance?

A: Regular maintenance is necessary to ensure the optimal performance of pool robots. This includes cleaning and replacing filters, inspecting brushes for wear, and checking for any debris or obstructions in the robot’s components.

  1. Q: Can pool robots prevent future algae growth?

A: Pool robots play a crucial role in preventing future algae growth by removing existing algae and providing thorough cleaning. However, maintaining proper water chemistry, regular circulation, and filtration also play significant roles in preventing algae growth.

  1. Q: Are pool robots energy efficient?

A: Pool robots are designed to be energy efficient. Most models operate on low voltage and use minimal electricity, making them cost-effective and environmentally friendly.


Pool robots can effectively contribute to algae removal in pools, making pool maintenance much easier. With their advanced features like scrubbing brushes, fine filtration systems, and UV sterilization, these cleaning devices ensure the thorough cleaning of your pool surfaces and water, combating algae growth. The benefits of using pool robots for algae removal include efficiency, cost-effectiveness, reduced chemical dependency, and an extended lifespan for your pool equipment. Choose a pool robot specifically designed for algae removal and enjoy a sparkling clean pool all season long.

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Zachary Xhosa
Zachary Xhosa

Founder and lead writer behind Very Fresh Pool, a website dedicated to simplifying pool maintenance through educational guides and product reviews. With over 10 years of experience maintaining my own pool and also helping people maintaining theirs, I started the site to share the knowledge I wished I had when I was first starting out. Contact me for any questions about pool maintenance and care.

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