How Often Do You Need to Resurface Pool?

A well-maintained and visually appealing pool is the dream of every pool owner. Regularly resurfacing your pool not only enhances the aesthetic appeal but also ensures the longevity and safety of your pool. Resurfacing involves applying a fresh layer of material to the interior surface of the pool.

But how often should you resurface your pool? In this article, we will dive into this question and explore the factors that influence the frequency of pool resurfacing.

Factors Determining Resurfacing Frequency

Several factors come into play when determining how often you should resurface your pool. These include:

1. Age of the Pool

The age of your pool is an important factor in determining the frequency of resurfacing. Typically, pools require resurfacing every 10 to 15 years. As the pool ages, the surface starts to deteriorate, leading to cracks, stains, and flakes. Resurfacing ensures the structural integrity of the pool and maintains its appearance.

2. Quality of Previous Resurfacing

If your pool has been resurfaced before, the quality of the previous resurfacing job plays a role in determining how often you should resurface it again. A high-quality resurfacing job can extend the lifespan of the pool surface. However, if the previous resurfacing was not done properly, it may require more frequent resurfacing to maintain the pool’s condition.

3. Usage and Maintenance

The frequency of pool usage and maintenance practices also affects the need for resurfacing. Pools that are heavily used or poorly maintained may require more frequent resurfacing. Proper pool maintenance, including regular cleaning, chemical balance, and water treatment, can help prolong the life of the pool surface and reduce the need for resurfacing.

4. Climate and Environmental Factors

The climate and environmental conditions in which your pool is located can impact the lifespan of the pool surface. Extreme temperatures, exposure to sunlight, harsh chemicals, and high levels of humidity can accelerate the wear and tear of the pool surface. Pools in regions with harsh climates may require more frequent resurfacing compared to pools in mild climates.

5. Type of Pool Surface

The type of material used for the pool surface also affects the resurfacing frequency. Different surfaces, such as plaster, pebble, tile, or fiberglass, have different lifespans and maintenance requirements. For example, plaster surfaces usually last 5 to 10 years, while pebble surfaces can last 10 to 20 years. Understanding the characteristics of your pool surface will help you determine the appropriate resurfacing schedule.

Signs that Your Pool Needs Resurfacing

Apart from considering the factors mentioned above, you can also look for signs that indicate your pool is due for resurfacing. These signs include:

  1. Cracks and Delamination: Cracks in the pool surface are a clear indication that your pool needs resurfacing. Additionally, if the surface starts to peel or flake, it is a sign of delamination and requires immediate attention.
  2. Stains and Discoloration: Over time, minerals, chemicals, and algae can cause stains and discoloration on the pool surface. These stains can be difficult to remove and may require resurfacing to restore the pool’s appearance.
  3. Rough Texture: If the pool surface feels rough and abrasive, it may indicate that the surface has eroded and needs to be resurfaced. A smooth and even texture is essential for a comfortable swimming experience.
  4. Water Loss and Leaks: If you notice excessive water loss even after addressing potential leakage points, it may be a sign that the pool surface has deteriorated and is allowing water to seep through. Resurfacing can help seal any leaks and prevent further damage.
  5. Excessive Wear and Tear: If you notice visible signs of wear and tear, such as exposed aggregate or worn-out tile, it’s a clear indication that your pool surface needs attention. Failure to address these issues promptly can lead to more extensive damage.

Resurfacing Options

When it comes to resurfacing your pool, you have several options to choose from. Each option has its own pros and cons, so it is important to consider your budget, desired aesthetics, and long-term maintenance before making a decision. Some common resurfacing options include:

1. Plaster

Plaster is one of the most common and affordable resurfacing options. It provides a smooth and classic white surface and can last 5 to 10 years with proper care. However, plaster surfaces may be prone to staining and can require more frequent maintenance.

2. Pebble

Pebble surfaces create a more natural and textured look for your pool. They are known for their durability and longevity, lasting up to 20 years. Pebble surfaces also provide better traction, making them a safer option for pool users. However, they can be more expensive than plaster.

3. Tile

Tile resurfacing gives your pool a luxurious and customizable appearance. With a wide range of colors, patterns, and designs, tiles offer versatility in design options. They are also highly durable and resistant to chemical damage. However, tile resurfacing can be costly and time-consuming due to the intricate installation process.

4. Fiberglass

Fiberglass resurfacing involves applying a fiberglass shell over the existing pool surface. Fiberglass is known for its longevity, requiring minimal maintenance and lasting up to 25 years. It also provides a smooth and non-porous surface, inhibiting the growth of algae and reducing chemical usage. However, fiberglass resurfacing can be expensive and may require professional installation.

Maintenance Tips to Prolong Resurfacing Intervals

While resurfacing is inevitable for pool owners, adopting proper maintenance practices can help prolong the intervals between resurfacing. Here are some tips to keep your pool surface in excellent condition:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Routinely clean your pool surface to remove debris, dirt, and algae. Avoid using abrasive brushes or harsh chemicals that can damage the surface.
  2. Proper Chemical Balance: Maintain the proper chemical balance in your pool. Improper chemical levels can lead to corrosion, staining, or etching of the surface. Regularly test the water and adjust the chemical levels as needed.
  3. Avoid Sharp Objects: Discourage swimmers from using sharp objects or rough toys that can scratch or damage the pool surface. Regularly inspect the pool for sharp or rough edges and address them promptly.
  4. Monitor Water Level: Ensure the water level in your pool is maintained to avoid exposing the pool’s surface to air for extended periods. Prolonged exposure to air can cause the surface to crack and deteriorate.
  5. Use Pool Covers: Invest in a high-quality pool cover to protect your pool from harsh weather conditions, excessive sunlight, and debris. Covering your pool when it is not in use can significantly extend the lifespan of the pool surface.
  6. Regular Maintenance Checks: Periodically inspect your pool for signs of wear and tear, leaks, or surface damage. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage that may require more extensive resurfacing.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. How long does pool resurfacing take?
  2. The duration of pool resurfacing depends on various factors, such as the size of the pool, chosen resurfacing option, and weather conditions. On average, it can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks.
  3. Can I resurface my pool myself, or should I hire a professional?
  4. While minor repairs can be done by homeowners, resurfacing a pool is a complex task that requires professional expertise. It is recommended to hire a professional to ensure the job is done correctly.
  5. How much does pool resurfacing cost?
  6. The cost of pool resurfacing varies depending on factors such as the size of the pool, chosen resurfacing option, and location. On average, pool resurfacing can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $15,000 or more.
  7. Can I change the color or design of my pool during resurfacing?
  8. Yes, during the resurfacing process, you have the option to change the color or design of your pool. Discuss your preferences with a professional to explore the available options.
  9. Do I need to drain my pool for resurfacing?
  10. Yes, the pool needs to be completely drained before resurfacing. This allows for a smooth and even application of the new surface material.
  11. How often should I test the chemical levels in my pool?
  12. It is recommended to test the chemical levels in your pool at least once a week. Regular testing will help maintain the proper balance, prolonging the life of your pool surface.
  13. Is it normal to see minor cracks in a new pool surface?
  14. Minor cracks can occasionally appear in a new pool surface due to the settling process. However, if the cracks are excessive or continue to expand, it may indicate a problem and should be addressed immediately.
  15. What can I do to prevent algae growth on the pool surface?
  16. To prevent algae growth, make sure to regularly sanitize your pool, monitor chemical levels, and maintain proper water circulation. Regular brushing and cleaning of the pool surface can also help prevent algae buildup.
  17. Can I resurface my pool during the winter months?
  18. It is generally recommended to avoid pool resurfacing during winter months or when the temperature falls below freezing. Extreme cold temperatures can affect the curing process of the new surface material.

In conclusion, resurfacing your pool is an essential aspect of pool maintenance. By considering factors such as the age of the pool, quality of previous resurfacing, usage and maintenance, climate, and type of pool surface, you can determine how often your pool needs resurfacing. Signs such as cracks, stains, rough texture, water loss, and excessive wear and tear indicate that your pool is due for resurfacing. With proper maintenance and care, you can prolong the intervals between resurfacing and enjoy a beautiful and functional pool for years to come.

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Zachary Xhosa
Zachary Xhosa

Founder and lead writer behind Very Fresh Pool, a website dedicated to simplifying pool maintenance through educational guides and product reviews. With over 10 years of experience maintaining my own pool and also helping people maintaining theirs, I started the site to share the knowledge I wished I had when I was first starting out. Contact me for any questions about pool maintenance and care.

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