Can An Above Ground Pool Go On Grass, Gravel, Sand?

Are you considering setting up an above ground pool in your backyard but unsure about the best surface to place it on? You’re not alone! Many pool owners have similar concerns when it comes to selecting the right location for their above ground pool. Can an above ground pool go on grass, gravel, or sand? In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the pros and cons of placing an above ground pool on different surfaces and provide you with practical tips for preparation and maintenance.

Above ground pools have gained popularity over the years due to their affordability, ease of installation, and versatility. They offer a great alternative to in-ground pools for those who want to enjoy the benefits of a swimming pool without the extensive construction and high costs. However, when it comes to selecting the right surface for your above ground pool, there are important factors to consider.

In this article, we will delve into the three most common surfaces for placing an above ground pool: grass, gravel, and sand. We will explore the advantages and disadvantages of each surface and provide step-by-step guidance on how to prepare and maintain your pool on these surfaces. So, let’s dive in!

Can an Above Ground Pool be Placed on Grass?

Placing an above ground pool on grass is a popular choice for many homeowners. However, there are pros and cons to consider before making a decision.

Pros and Cons of Placing an Above Ground Pool on Grass

1. Natural aesthetic: Placing your pool on grass can create a beautiful and natural setting in your backyard, blending well with the overall landscape.
2. Soft and comfortable: Grass provides a softer and more cushioned surface, which can be more comfortable for lounging and playing.
3. Less expensive: Compared to other surfaces like concrete or pavers, placing your pool on grass can be a more cost-effective option.

1. Uneven surface: Grass is not always perfectly level, which can lead to some challenges when it comes to setting up and maintaining your pool.
2. Potential damage to grass: The weight of the pool, constant foot traffic, and exposure to chemicals can cause wear and tear on the grass, potentially damaging it.
3. Water drainage issues: Grass absorbs water, which can lead to poor drainage if the ground is not properly leveled or if the pool is located in a low-lying area.

Preparing the Grass Surface for an Above Ground Pool

To ensure a successful installation and minimize potential challenges, you should properly prepare the grass surface before placing an above ground pool. Here are a few key steps to follow:

  1. Leveling the ground properly: Before installing your pool, it’s crucial to ensure that the grass surface is level. Use a long board or a leveling tool to check for any unevenness. If you find any areas that are significantly uneven, you may need to excavate and level the ground to create a stable base.

  2. Addressing potential issues with water drainage: Poor water drainage can be a problem when placing your pool on grass. To prevent water buildup, consider installing a French drain or a perimeter drain system around the pool area. This will help redirect excess water away from the pool and prevent waterlogging.

  3. Protecting the grass from excessive wear and tear: To minimize damage to the grass, it’s recommended to lay down a protective barrier underneath the pool. A ground cloth or a geotextile fabric can help prevent the pool frame and liner from rubbing directly on the grass, reducing the risk of wear and tear.

Tips for Maintaining an Above Ground Pool on Grass

To maintain your above ground pool on grass and keep it in optimal condition, here are a few tips to remember:

  1. Regularly check and adjust the pool’s level: Due to the natural ground shifting, it’s essential to monitor and adjust the pool’s level as needed. This will help prevent strain on the pool frame and ensure proper water circulation.

  2. Clean the pool area: Regularly sweep or rake the surrounding grass area to remove leaves, debris, or grass clippings that may end up in the pool. This will help maintain the water’s cleanliness and reduce the load on the filtration system.

  3. Apply lawn-friendly chemicals: If you need to use chemicals to maintain the water’s balance and cleanliness, choose products that are safe for grass. Avoid any chemicals that may harm the grass or alter its pH balance.

By following these tips, you can enjoy your above ground pool on grass for years to come while minimizing any potential damage to your lawn.

Can an Above Ground Pool be Placed on Gravel?

Placing an above ground pool on gravel offers its own set of advantages and considerations. Let’s explore them further.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Placing an Above Ground Pool on Gravel

1. Even and stable surface: Gravel provides a stable base for your above ground pool, offering a level surface that can help with overall pool stability.
2. Good drainage: Gravel naturally allows for better drainage compared to other surfaces. This helps prevent pooling of water and reduces the risk of damage to the pool and surrounding area.
3. Minimal lawn maintenance: Placing your pool on gravel eliminates the need for mowing, watering, or fertilizing the grass. This can be a time and cost-saving benefit for many homeowners.

1. Harder surface: Unlike grass or sand, gravel is a harder surface. This can be less comfortable for walking, sitting, or lounging around the pool.
2. Potential weed growth: Without proper precautions, weeds can grow through the gravel, requiring regular maintenance and weed control measures.
3. Higher cost: Depending on the size and quality of the gravel, placing your pool on gravel may require a higher initial cost compared to other surfaces like grass.

Preparing the Gravel Surface for an Above Ground Pool

Before setting up your above ground pool on gravel, it’s crucial to prepare the surface properly. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Ensuring an even and stable base: Start by clearing the area of any debris, rocks, or uneven ground. Level the ground as much as possible, using a tamper or roller to compact the gravel evenly. This will provide a solid and stable surface for the pool.

  2. Using a weed barrier to prevent unwanted growth: To minimize weed growth through the gravel, lay down a weed barrier fabric before adding the gravel. This will help prevent weeds from poking through and reduce the need for frequent weed control.

  3. Addressing potential issues with pool stability on gravel: To further enhance stability and prevent shifting, consider placing patio stones or deck blocks underneath the pool legs. These can provide additional support and distribute the weight of the pool more evenly.

Maintenance Considerations for an Above Ground Pool on Gravel

To keep your above ground pool on gravel in good condition, here are a few maintenance considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Regularly check for gravel displacement: Despite proper preparation, gravel can shift over time, potentially affecting the pool’s stability. Periodically inspect the pool’s position and adjust the gravel if needed to maintain the level and stability of the pool.

  2. Control weed growth: While the weed barrier fabric can help minimize weed growth, it’s essential to regularly inspect the area and remove any weeds that manage to grow through. Apply a suitable weed killer if necessary, being careful not to damage the pool or surrounding gravel.

  3. Keep the pool area clean: Regularly sweep or use a leaf blower to remove any leaves, dirt, or debris that accumulate on the gravel. This will prevent them from being tracked into the pool and clogging the filtration system.

By following these maintenance tips, you can ensure the longevity and stability of your above ground pool placed on gravel.

Can an Above Ground Pool be Placed on Sand?

Placing an above ground pool on sand is yet another option to consider. Let’s explore the pros and cons, as well as the necessary steps for preparation and maintenance.

Pros and Cons of Placing an Above Ground Pool on Sand

1. Soft and cushioned surface: Sand provides a soft and comfortable surface, making it ideal for walking, sitting, and lounging around the pool.
2. Good drainage: Compared to grass, sand offers better drainage, preventing water buildup and reducing the risk of damage to the pool and surrounding area.
3. Lower cost: Placing your pool on sand can be a cost-effective option as sand is generally less expensive than other surfaces like concrete or pavers.

1. Potential sand shifting: Sand tends to shift over time, requiring periodic leveling and maintenance to ensure the pool remains stable.
2. Messier than other surfaces: Sand can be easily tracked into the pool, requiring regular cleaning and filtration maintenance.
3. Risk of unevenness: If not properly leveled, sand can develop uneven spots, potentially causing the pool to be tilted or unstable.

Preparing the Sand Surface for an Above Ground Pool

To properly prepare the sand surface for your above ground pool, follow these key steps:

  1. Leveling the sand properly: Start by clearing the area of any debris and vegetation. Then, spread the sand evenly across the prepared ground. Use a long board or a leveling tool to ensure the sand is level, making any necessary adjustments as needed.

  2. Addressing potential issues with sand shifting: To prevent excessive sand shifting, consider using landscape fabric or a geotextile membrane as a base layer. This will help stabilize the sand and minimize movement.

  3. Creating a stable and suitable surface for the pool: To further enhance stability and prevent sinking, place patio stones or concrete pavers underneath the pool legs. These will provide a solid base and distribute the weight of the pool more evenly.

Maintenance Tips for an Above Ground Pool on Sand

To keep your above ground pool placed on sand in good condition, here are some maintenance tips to follow:

  1. Regularly check and re-level the sand: Sand naturally shifts over time, so it’s crucial to regularly inspect and re-level the sand as necessary. Adjust any uneven areas to ensure the pool remains stable and level.

  2. Clean the sand area: Sweep or rake the sand area regularly to remove any debris, leaves, or grass clippings that may accumulate. This will prevent dirt and debris from entering the pool and help maintain the water’s cleanliness.

  3. Frequently monitor the pool’s stability: Pay close attention to any signs of instability or sinking. If you notice any irregularities, such as the pool leaning or sinking on one side, take immediate action to correct the issue and prevent further damage.

By following these maintenance tips, you can enjoy your above ground pool on sand while minimizing any potential problems associated with sand shifting or unevenness.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Now, let’s address some common questions you may have about placing an above ground pool on different surfaces.

Can an above ground pool go on a concrete pad?

Yes, an above ground pool can be placed on a concrete pad. In fact, a concrete pad provides a solid and stable base for the pool. However, it’s important to ensure that the concrete pad is level and free from cracks or other damage. Additionally, consider using a foam or rubber padding between the concrete and the pool’s liner to provide cushioning and protect against potential damage.

Can I place an above ground pool on a wooden deck?

Yes, you can place an above ground pool on a wooden deck. However, it’s important to ensure that the deck is structurally sound and capable of supporting the weight of the pool, water, and swimmers. Consult a professional if you are unsure about the structural integrity of your deck. It’s also recommended to install a protective barrier between the pool and the deck surface to prevent any potential damage or wear.

What is the ideal ground preparation for an above ground pool?

The ideal ground preparation for an above ground pool involves properly leveling the surface to create a stable and even base. This can be achieved by removing any vegetation, rocks, or debris, and then using appropriate tools to level the ground. Additionally, addressing issues like water drainage, using a protective barrier, and stabilizing the pool legs on a solid base contribute to the ideal ground preparation.

Can I install an above ground pool partially in the ground?

Yes, it is possible to install an above ground pool partially in the ground. This can provide a more integrated and aesthetically pleasing look. However, this type of installation requires careful planning and sometimes professional assistance. Ensure that the pool’s structure is designed to handle the additional pressure from the surrounding soil and groundwater. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and consult with a pool expert to ensure safe and proper installation.

How do I protect the pool liner when placing the pool on different surfaces?

To protect the pool liner when placing the pool on different surfaces, it’s important to use a suitable protective barrier. For grass or gravel surfaces, a ground cloth or geotextile fabric is recommended to prevent the pool frame and liner from rubbing directly on the surface. For sand surfaces, landscape fabric or a geotextile membrane can be used as a stabilizing base layer to protect the liner.

Can an above ground pool be placed on pavers or tiles?

Yes, it is possible to place an above ground pool on pavers or tiles. However, it’s important to ensure that the pavers or tiles are level, stable, and capable of supporting the weight of the pool and its contents. Additionally, consider using a suitable protective barrier between the pool and the pavers or tiles to prevent any potential damage.

What are the potential risks of placing an above ground pool on uneven ground?

Placing an above ground pool on uneven ground can pose several risks, including:

  1. Structural instability: Uneven ground can cause the pool’s structure to become unstable and potentially collapse or warp over time.
  2. Leaks and liner damage: Uneven ground can create stress points on the pool’s liner, leading to leaks and potential damage.
  3. Water level and circulation issues: Uneven ground can affect the pool’s water level, making it challenging to maintain optimal water balance and circulation.

To avoid these risks, it’s essential to properly level the ground before installing an above ground pool and regularly monitor and adjust the pool’s position as needed.

How do I ensure proper water drainage for an above ground pool on various surfaces?


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Zachary Xhosa
Zachary Xhosa

Founder and lead writer behind Very Fresh Pool, a website dedicated to simplifying pool maintenance through educational guides and product reviews. With over 10 years of experience maintaining my own pool and also helping people maintaining theirs, I started the site to share the knowledge I wished I had when I was first starting out. Contact me for any questions about pool maintenance and care.

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